01 December 2006

Friday Five: Adventually

While it is not Advent YET in the liturgical world and I usually don't officially acknowledge it until it happens, since all my sermons are done (hurrah!) and most of the bulletins are finished (double hurrah!!), I feel I am more qualified to comment on the encroaching season than perhaps in past years. So, thanks to the RevGals...

1) Do you observe Advent in your church?
We do. And we actually observe it in pretty grand style, for us, since I've become the pastor. We use purple, by the way, which I have to admit is the only thing that makes sense to me for Advent. Blue -- not getting it.
Only thing is our Advent "wreath" is a HIDEOUS white iron candle stand that belongs in one of those late night goth programs on public access television. If you produce one of those, contact me and I'll see about accidentally leaving the church open to arrange a robbery.

2) How about at home?
When I was single, I tried. I always had a great devotional and an appropriately abstract Advent "wreath", I just never actually used them consistently. Now, with the Little Bug at the brink of awareness, I'm planning to figure out some more concrete (and consistent) ways to celebrate every day.
I guess I do mark it by not decorating 'til after it arrives, and generally Dennis and I have sat in front of our lit Christmas tree with the house lights off every night for a little while talking about life. That's a nice informal tradition I hope we can keep.

3) Do you have a favorite Advent text or hymn?
I love People, Look East. That's one of my favorites that we never sing. I also love Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence and O Come, O Come, Immanuel when it's sung well. The one that we use here which has grown on me to the point that I would say I reallly like it is When God is a Child . We use it for lighting the Advent wreath each week and I like it because it actually has the Sundays in the right order. Fancy that.

4) Why is one of the candles in the Advent wreath pink? (You may tell the truth, but I'll like your answer better if it's funny.)
To butch up the purple?

5) What's the funniest/kitschiest Advent calendar you've ever seen?
There are SO many. I think it's rarer that they AREN'T kitchy!


  1. Harhar! Good pink answer!
    Our church recently got The Chalice Hymnal and greatly increased Advent singing choices. The choir is going to introduce some of them this year.

  2. We actually have a tall black wrought iron monstrosity that only takes pillar candles. Someone wrapped it in fake greenery to make it look Adventy. A burglary would be welcome. :-)

    Songbird, you're going to love "One Candle is Lit"#128 in the Chalice! We sing one verse each week, then all of them when the Christ Candle is lit. It just may be the perfect lighting advent candles song. :-)

  3. What do you mean you have all your sermons and bulletind finished!?! You are amazing!

  4. i'm so impressed that your sermons and bulletins are completed! wow! congrats!

  5. One Candle is Lit is not one of my faves, but we never actually have occasion to sing verse 5, so...

    Our Advent candle-stand is also wrapped in fake greenery, fyi. I sympathize, but I'm guessing ours is still uglier. I might post a picture to prove it.

    In the interest of full disclosure, my sermons are done because a.) I'm gestating and trying to plan ahead so as to get through the season with some small modicum of grace and b.) because I borrowed liberally (with proper citations, thank you) from some really wonderful preachers who post their sermons on the internet. Bless those folks who do this. I mean that.

    The bulletins, on the other hand, are all me. So I'll take credit and say, "thanks!"

  6. Yes! Butch up the purple! I am loving it...



  7. OK, I will let my favorite Christian Goth friends know... they'll be there for that candlestand! :)


  8. I just want to say publically that we have each year a real live advent wreath made from the correct greens (whatever they are) and might I say they smell great and look lovely. Thanks be to God for Shirley B. (A triumph that had to be noted...giving hope to all you gaudy iron wreathed folk). :)

  9. Well, I am adventually here. I'll come take the wrought iron candle holder for you if you want.

    Good post.


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