09 November 2006

Need some gifts?

Anyone needing some good gift ideas for some hard-to-buy-for folks? Check out the recipes here. I'm going to make some up for my husband's brothers' families who have all sorts of rules for gift-giving, most of which I've not figured out or ignore. These are perfect -- not threatening and the peanut butter cup cookies look mighty fine.


  1. Hey, those recipies are really mouthwatering...jus waiting to try them out!!You can come, peep into my Holiday Blog for some out of the box ideas for the "hard-to-buy-for-folks".....

  2. I am staggaared by the simplicity and brilliance of this idea. I've been making jams, chutneys and jellies this autumn, I might well switch to gifts in a jar. Thank you for this great idea!


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