15 November 2006

Celebrity boyfriend alert

I was just browsing Netflix and found out that Clive Owen, my celebrity boyfriend, will be starring opposite Cate Blanchett in a sequel of sorts to Elizabeth. This one is called Elizabeth: The Golden Age and will be released in Oct. 2007.
Since Elizabeth is one of my favorite movies ever and Clive Owen is one of my favorite actors ever and Cate Blanchett is one of my favorite actresses ever, I'm pretty excited. Furthermore, according to the director, this will be number two of an eventual three. Very cool. October should be right about the time we get anxious to see a movie in the theater again.


  1. Yeah! I love Elizabeth too!!! woohoo!

  2. But why is Clive Owen your celebrity boyfriend? I think I remember reading something about it on your blog once, but I'm too lazy to go back and find it. hehe

  3. I loved the look of the movie, but I kind of "specialize" in Elizabethan history, and was so disappointed with the gross inaccuracies of it. But I will say that of all the film QEI's I've ever seen, Cate Blanchett was by far the most convincing in the role. Nice to have a "Good Queen Bess" who somewhat resembles the original.

    I'm looking forward to the next one. Thanks for alerting me to it, though it will be an awfully long wait now that I'm no longer blissfully ignorant of it! :P

  4. Yeah, Psalmist, as history, the movie isn't so great, however, as entertainment, I think it's one of the best ever. Oh, and anyone else remember Daniel Craig aka 007 as the vengeful monk?

    Amy, I've been a Clive fan since high school, but it was when I was in seminary that Kalin, Lil, and I all chose celebrity boyfriends so that's when Clive became mine. I don't know why we did that, come to think of it. We also had inanimate objects that had personalities and were boyfriends. We're weird, but you already know that.


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