03 September 2006

When sensible shoes return

There are a hundred reasons that I am rejoicing that fall is just around the corner, not least of which is that I get to start wearing my comfortable and sensible, yet funkily hip shoes again! My sister Lil discovered these and immediately indoctrinated the sistahs as to their efficacy when it comes to arch support, as well as their hipness. (Lil is very hip. We don't doubt her when she speaks.) Now Marissa and I both have Keens also, and although Kalin is holding out, we know that eventually she'll topple and be dragged into our like-minded shoe-wearing. It's really futile to resist, Kali.
Anyway, it's crazy how I get so excited over the little things, but these didn't really work in the summer months and my feet have paid for it. Today as I kicked out the heels I've been wearing for the last two days, I thought, 'gosh darn it, fall is almost here and the time for socks and funky maryjanes is right 'round the corner! Hurrah!!'
Hurrah, indeed.


  1. Ok, these are too cool. They remind me of my earth shoes days. (I know, I know, that REALLY dates me...but they were really cool then and YUMMY comfortable.)

    Here's to fall!!!

  2. YES bring out the maryjanes and 3 cheers for fall!!! I LURVE maryjanes!! Super cute and super kewl for sure!! Both of girls are stocked in maryjanes!! And I love the shoes you linked us too, I want a pair now!!


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