12 September 2006

Possible prenatal problems

There have been better days...
Today, on the drive home from the cemetery after the burial for my great-uncle, Jerry, I got a call from the nurse at my OB's office telling me Dr. Stone wanted to speak with me. FYI, it's not a good thing when the doctor wants to speak with you herself.
Anyway, turns out that my quad screen test showed a very high risk for Trisomy 18. The test said the risk factor is 1:10, however the numbers apparently just aren't good.
So, next Tuesday (a whole freaking week!!) Dennis and I will go to Rockford Memorial to meet with a geneticist and then have an amniocentesis. Normally a Level II ultrasound is done before the amnio to look for markers, however because of the numbers I've opted to do the amnio.
After that, we have to wait a week to get preliminary results and then 3 (three!!) weeks to find out for sure what is going on.
And then we'll figure out what's next.
I'd appreciate any and all prayers.


  1. I'll be praying for you. I know the wait will be difficult. (((hugs)))

  2. April, I am BATHING you in prayer. May you know the incredible peace of our Father, in ways you've never felt His presence before.
    Your Maker is your husband - the Lord ALMIGHTY is His name.

  3. definitely praying for you and your family. big hugs...
    ~liz (elizabeth_anne)

  4. P.R.A.Y.I.N.G.

    Oh April I hate that you have to wait so long, UGH!!!! is right! UGHHHHH...

    Yes, praying hard.

  5. Oh, dear sister! Absolutely, I am praying for you all. I am familiar with the issues of trisomy 18 because a couple at a former church had a child born with the disorder. May God hold you all close, warm, and safe. ((((((((April))))))))

  6. I will be praying for you this morning. (((HUGS)))

    May you have strength for the wait.

    Lord, may Your peace surround and strengthen this family!

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your prayers mean the world to us.

  8. Aw, April...
    Praying for you,

  9. I am praying for you, too. Absolutely, positively, standing with you and lifting you to the Father this week.


  10. I'm praying, April. As you wait, think on these words from Psalm 139.

    "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee."

  11. PRAYING!!! Oh, my heart aches for you... for the wait and wondering... may you know God's peace that is way beyond our understanding...

    And may God give your church family words of wisdom and not humanity!!

    And I pray your baby to be absolutely 100% healthy!!

  12. Dearest April...
    "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." ~Ps. 27:14

    Waiting, and praying with you, dear sister.

    He holds us all...
    With love,
    Ann V.

  13. oh dear one, I am praying for you and your little bean and the rest of your family. Having had 2 kiddos, I always just feel horrible for mamas who have to endure a wait like that - the not knowing must be unbearable. May the God of peace and strength be with you during this time.

  14. I hope that when you said, "we'll figure out what's next" you didn't mean that you'd terminate. Then we'd all have to pray for your soul.

  15. *sigh*
    FYI, what's next will probably be figuring out whether we will be planning a funeral shortly after the baby arrives or whether we need to start looking for a new breast pump.
    I'm sure any prayers for my soul now wouldn't hurt...

  16. (((April))) thinking and praying for you today!

  17. ((((((April))))))

    That took a whole lot of grace, dear one.

    Anonymous, I hope you realize what a hideous statement that was for you to make to April. >:(

    My prayers continue for you, April, and for the baby and all your family, loved ones, and church.

  18. April,
    He is the God who sees, the Father who holds our tears, the Mighty Warrior who goes befores us to hem us in, behind and before, your rearguard and your vanguard.
    Lifting you, Dennis, your sweet angel, and this precious new one to Him. I'm so sorry you're walking through this, sweetie!

  19. I had to post as anonymous, but this is Krina over from queenheroical.blogspot.com, I just wanted to respond to your comment and I find myself more compelled to let you know I will be praying for you. And thank you for your kind commment. -Krina

  20. April, I am praying for you and this little one growing inside of you. I live less than 5 minutes from Rockford Memorial and if I can be of any help, let me know. I have a lot of little play mates if you need somewhere for your other children to go. The doctors thought that my 4th baby had Trisonomy 18, too, and I had an amniocentesis so if she did then we would know how best to deliever her and take care of her. I know what you are going through and the anxiety and constant thoughts you are feeling. Just keep on trusting in our Heavenly Father to get you through...

  21. April, I think you forgot to take out the trash up there... Oh housekeeping!

  22. *hugs* I'm praying for you, sweets.


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