28 September 2006

The incident

WARNING!!! the following are accident pics. You may not want to look at them. They kind of make me ill.

Ours is the green van. We were headed north on IL Rt. 2 behind a tractor trailer. The white car was headed south and crossed over the center line knocking the back axle off the truck, then swung into our path. We hit it going 55-65 miles an hour. Here's what it looked like later, minus the tractor trailer.

The guardrail kept us from the river.

The damage done to the driver's side was from when she hit the semi.

We did the damage to this side.

We're ok and the other driver will be, too. Thank God!!


  1. Wow, April. God surely was with you - In years to come I imagine that you will look back and just marvel over and over again at what He brought you thru.

  2. OH GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! April, what a testimony to the incredible keeping power of God our Father for His children. Truly, truly He is able to keep us...in ALL circumstances.

    WOW! Thanks for allowing us to worship Him with you!

  3. You are right they are sickening. How awful. How did you survive, other than God, air bags, seat belts?

    So glad you are alive. Thanks for showing the pics.

  4. Oh, April... what a shocking picture of pure GRACE. Thank You, Lord, that You ARE before all things and IN You all things hold together; especially April, Dennis, and Little One's lives in this accident. We are thankful to You, Father, for the gift of them.

  5. and we give thanks for the courage and strength of Dr. Greenley. RIP.

  6. April,
    I was so excited to see your name pop up on the forums! We've been praying for you and your family. The pictures are awful (in the old sense) What an amazing God that we serve. I'm so glad that your church and community are coming around you during your time of need.

  7. I am sure you do feel ill looking at those pictures. It's a miracle you two sustained injuries that were not life threatening. Wow...

  8. thank you God, for sending your protection for dennis, april and baby! praying for your healing!

  9. Thank you, Father, for preserving April and Dennis... Your gracious hand is upon them... and we offer up sincere gratitude... Continue to heal them, Lord. In your time, in your way, for Your honor and Your glory... In Jesus name....

    Praying for you, April.
    Ann V.

  10. april!! thanks so much for sharing this experience with us. i'm sure it can't be easy for you to look at these photos. i'm thanking God for your safety and your new baby boy!! woohoo!!



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