24 August 2006

Intentional consciousness

Please click here to read about this wonderful idea.

Dennis and I are seriously considering taking part, though we're not sure we'll do all 30 days. I think Tonia's come up with a brilliant way to stand in solidarity with those whom we affluent Christians are all too eager to ignore. This has been on my heart for a while. I'm pleased to begin thinking about doing something constructive with these concerns.


  1. First, welcome to the blogring (RGBP).

    Wow. My first thought was, "I'm so going to do that!" Then I thought, "Wow," again. And then, "This is a hard teaching; who can accept it?" (John 6:60)

    I'm going to have to pray on that a lot. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  2. Mary Beth... Thanks for visiting! You are voicing my thoughts exactly. At first, I thought, "Yeah! Count me in!"

    As we've been preparing/ praying, we are constantly finding ways to indulge that we are having to set aside. As I said, I don't think we're going to do the whole 30 days, but just recognizing that we have a choice to do otherwise has been an education in and of itself!


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