03 August 2006


83 years young and a blessing to us all everyday. We're proud to be your progeny.

(Gramps is the handsome gray-haired gent in the middle!)


  1. You have a bloggg!!?? This is so cool! I never thought to click on your username... This is Jim btw - and I shall now proceed to reciprocate your blog-stalk by setting up a small tent on yours and refusing to leave. And hey - SUCH GOOD NEWS on the baby front. You are a Mom, about to become a Mom again, and it's in you and others like you Amy and I find our joy and hope. Sorry this is so long - I really should send an email. Cheers!

  2. Hey--website is working now! We had some technical difficulties, but it's all back and ready to be viewed. :)


Say what you will here...