12 July 2006

Having never been more tired in my life...

(which is really saying something considering that Annalivia didn't sleep through the night until, well, she doesn't now, actually) I haven't posted any of the things that have been rolling about in my head. I've been taking HUGE 3-4 hour naps with Annalivia and still going to bed before 10 each night. I don't remember feeling this tired at all with Annalivia. Perhaps the euphoria sustained me. Of course, I'd also had four years of decent sleep before I became pregnant with her...
Anyway, sorry to be a slacker. More coming soon, perhaps.


  1. See, the problem with being the oldest is that there is no one who will walk in and just take control of everything. SO, today you and Annalivia are going to make "Do Not Disturb - Baby in Progress" signs together...and use them! :)

    Seriously April, this is big work that your body is doing. Cut it some slack. Lack of sleep prior to pregnancy makes a HUGE difference AND if you haven't noticed - it's nasty sticky ugly humid out there and that will drain the best of the crew.

    So, Bossy Big sister says, "Feet up, lots of cool water, with or without lemon, whatever sounds best. Fresh fruit, (the soft ones, if your tooth is still at it - and THAT'S reason enough for being exhausted, I might add) and spoil yourself for a bit. :) Don't make me come over there." ;)

    (As for the brain at work? Journal it - you can blog it later when you feel stronger! THIS isn't important - now, growing babies? THAT'S important.) Bless you my dear!!

  2. well dearest, i agree with the first comment. and since it is so blessed hot here along the river i am not so eloquent, thus saying "ditto" to the previous caller. ps: make sure you use your "Her Ladyship" mug today. it will add the "i don't know what" that you might need. :)


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