18 June 2006

Two sides of the same coin

We had a lovely Father's Day here, mainly heightened by the discovery that Littler McStew will be joining the family in Feb. 20. I had actually gone to see my ob/gyn on Thursday to see about medicine for getting pregnant. God is pretty amazing.
We are now experience that crazy mix of elation and fear that accompanies such a wonderful occurence. Annalivia is at the age when correction is an semi-hourly occurence. She'll be two when number two arrives, or shortly thereafter. Will we be able to communicate to her that the necessary discipline she will receive is not because of the new little? Will we be able to communicate our love for both children? Will we be able to communicate our love for each other while taking care of two littles? I know the only answer is "grace of God (and the creek don't rise)", but I still think of all these questions.
Anyway, we're in good company. Sister Lil and bro-in-law Jake will welcome #2 in January. Good friends from Kansas will welcome a surprise #3 at the same time. Who knows who else will join the ranks? It's good to be alive.
Here's our Father's Day pic 2006. Keen eyes will notice our color coord- ination (i.e. the trim on Annalivia's dress matches the stripe in daddy's shirt and mama's dress ;) ). Once again, in our family pictures Dennis looks wonderful, Annalivia looks suspicious and me and my chins are trying to muscle everyone else out of the pic. Oh well. This is who we are...


  1. OH MY GOODNESS that baby of yours is so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to show her off more often! That is such a great/sweet family photo too!

  2. Oh I'm "christywhisty" from the Choosing Home Forum.

  3. Oh hey it's me again (sorry). I was so mesmerized by your cute little girl I didn't read the post until after I made my comments....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! That is so AWESOME!!!!



  4. Thanks, Crystal! That's high praise coming from mom to the cutest kids in the blogosphere! :)

  5. April, I DID notice the color coordination - one of the first things I saw, next to those killer dark eyes of Bug's!! She is just TOO sweet.
    I'm still rejoicing for you, but must fly - came to get your pumpkin recipe and got distracted by a pair of lovely eyes. ;)

  6. april!! what an awesome family!!! my little katie could pass as a twin for your baby girl! how sweet to see the 3 of you together, and CONGRATS on #2!!!!!


  7. good thing i have a keen I and thing ALL 3 of you are beautiful when matched so well. oh, and you missed a question.... "and will i be able to dress two kids and their parents so that all match for every holiday or sunday service?" ...ah the questions.


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