01 June 2006

The rabbit that is white

Well, it is the first of the month and knowing that Marissa will get an automatic update, I feel compelled to say, "WHITE RABBIT!"


  1. Blast ya, ya scurvey blogger! Ya got me this time, but not again...NOT again!


    -the sage sister-pirate

  2. Mwah, hah, hah, hah!! Now to get Lil and Kali...

  3. OK, someone help me out here - I got up this morning and the first thing that went through my mind was "OH! It's the first - RABBIT." Then as I realized I was really awake, I couldn't remember WHY in the world I thought that. :?
    Can someone PLEASE refresh my aging memory??

  4. Well, in our family, we try to "White Rabbit" the others on the first of the month before they can get us. Used to be just the sisters playing, now Mom has joined in, though she sometimes insists when we get her that's she's not really playing. And yesterday as I was waiting for my cunning mother to get on the phone, she started yelling, "White Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit!" at me and was joined by the little voices of my nephew and niece. Buggers.
    Anyway, White Rabbit was something used by members of the band when I was in high school (because we needed something else besides our geekiness to set us apart!) If you said it to someone else first, that person owed you a favor. Though no one has ever collected on the favor to my knowledge; it's the thrill of the chase that has us all captivated.
    It is my belief that the McClure family are the remaining small but proud band of White Rabbit-ers in the world. But we hold out hope that our sphere of influence will expand and others will see the advantage to our ways -- namely having something with which to torture one's siblings on a regular basis.
    There you go -- a not so brief history on White Rabbit.

  5. Well, I fear I must be the bearer of bad tidings. Until recently I've not had the privilege of knowing your McClure family members. Yet, somewhere in my past (bleak or otherwise) I've heard about calling "Rabbit" on the first day of the month...although I can't remember if it was a WHITE rabbit - so perhaps my tidings need not be bad...only cause for...paws. :)
    Thanks for the explanation. I feel better not thinking I've contracted the Rabbit Flu or some such.

  6. Well now I'm intrigued. Time to google.

  7. HI! I was "googling" White Rabbit! and found your blog page. I learned to say "White Rabbit!" on the first day of the Month while in Marching band in highschool! I read in your blog comments that's where you learned it too! Where did you go to highschool and were you in the Eureka High School Marching Band in Illinois? HELP! Why do we say and who came up with White Rabbit!??! Thanks so much!



Say what you will here...