02 June 2006

Hilarity in stardates

As a former fan of Star Trek the Next Generation, I want to refer anyone interested to this hilarious blog. Scroll down to Laundry Breakdown. One of the most hilarious things I've read this week. If you aren't at least a closet Trekkie, you'll probably want to skip this recommendation. Sistahs, you'll want to read this and listen to this hilarious Picard Song. Make sure your speakers are on. It's a little long, but funny.


  1. I used to have a huge crush on Picard when I was little. That's all I'm going to say on that matter.

  2. Yeah, me too. But I was old enough to be confused as to why this old man was so alluring. Kalin Picard. Has a nice ring to it...


Say what you will here...