17 May 2006

Where I am from

I am from rolling farmland thick with the scent of fresh black earth, heavy with the humidity of summer trapped in the cornfields, lit with the light of Orion's belt and the haze of the Milky Way.
I am from the fishing hill and walks to the creek, the paper tree and new kittens hidden in hay, a treehouse and dancing to Madonna's oldest songs.
I am from brick buildings and ivy, tall oaks and lilacs, leaf-catching and sorority serenades.
I am from yards of peonies, tulips, irises, roses, daylilies, a crocus bow, lilacs and moonflowers, spring beauties in April, and fire-red maples in the Fall.
I am from Main Street picnics, patriotic parades, whiffle ball games, bocce ball and jump-rope in the basement, manger sets and New Year's sleep-overs, conversations and tea around the kitchen table.
I am from division and reconciliation, fear and forgiveness, longing and love.
I am from conversations in the candlelight, confessions at camp, and calling in the mountains.
I am from regret and redemption, naivete and knowledge, faltering and faith.
I am from long-houred returns, gleeful giggles, complex scenarios and common dreams.
I am from thick glasses and a shaved head, shy smiles and bold suggestions, giddy acceptance, ever-deepening respect, and overwhelming desire.
I am from whispered prayers and fervent hopes, newborn cries and soft skin, sparkling eyes and peals of laughter.
I am from my quiet Guide, my prescient Listener, my dawning Assurance, the Gifter of all that I am, all that I have been, and all that I will ever wish to be.
Ann posted her "Where I'm From" over at Holy Experience and suggested others do the same. For more info, you'll find the original here and a lengthier instruction here, though clearly it is unnecessary to follow the format prescribed.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It is what I have wanted to say so many times - I think I will just delete a couple of paragraphs and use it as my own:)



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