08 May 2006

Leaving comfort zones

I realized this afternoon that I am a creature of habit -- bad habits.
I'm really ashamed to admit all of this, but I really struggle with being rebellious. There are a thousand things a day that I should do and thus a thousand things that I don't do. I find myself being self-indulgent almost all of the time. And I justify my self-indulgence by telling myself I am learning new things. But who am I kidding?
Anyway, today, I managed to do one thing that has been weighing on my mind and got out and planted the seeds I had bought a couple of weeks ago. Not a big deal, but I had some silvis, coleus and cardinal vine that needed to be planted. So I got out the flats and started some seeds and I remembered how good it feels to actually accomplish something -- anything, really -- it just feels right to actually do what needs to be done.
Then I did a little weeding in the gardens that my mom planted for me a couple of years ago and it all looks beautiful right now. It needs to be weeded a lot still (see all the dandelions in the photos), but I love that I actually have a beautifully lanscaped parsonage thanks to Momma.

This afternoon I took the Bug outside and showed her the flowers in the garden. She is terrified of the grass. In this first picture she was standing right next to me as I sat on the deck hence the smile.
Then I showed her the flowers I got for Easter from Mom and have yet to plant (I know, I know -- LAAAAZY!) She was scared of those too, then started exploring a little. In this second pic she's got dirt on her fingers and is none too pleased. I think she's thinking something I've often thought, "Ewww--- nature."

Guess we all need to leave our comfort zones sometime!

1 comment:

Say what you will here...