15 May 2006

Blog break

I took a couple days off from blogging -- not because I was soooooooo busy, per se, but because I couldn't really figure out how to comment on all that was going on.

We celebrated the life of my secretary on Friday. I sang at the funeral and I think it was the most meaningful time I have ever sung. I was nervous as all get-out before I sang, which hasn't happened in years but it was really wonderful. I looked out at the congregation and the folks from my church were just staring right at me and sobbing. It was an unusual experience.

Lil (beloved sister #2) came up with her daughter to watch Annalivia for the hour it took to sing at the funeral. She drove 2 hours with gas at $3/ gallon to come here and do that. Isn't that so generous! And I know any of the others in the family would do the same thing, if they were able. Annalivia loved, loved, loved hanging out with Cleya. She thought everything Cleya did was hilarious. Which is pretty good fodder for an almost-three-year-old. It was precious to watch.

Friday evening Dennis got home and Annalivia started walking! She walked back and forth between us over and over again. It was adorable. Then I made pizza again and this was even better than before! I didn't let the dough posted below rise and then put all of the previous toppings in addition to green olives on it. Deelish. Then Dennis and I sat around and watched The Office that he had taped and just spent some time together. That was really nice.

On Saturday morning we went down to central Illinois to celebrate a Mother's Day breakfast with the family. Marissa and Lil (beloved sisters #1 and #2) ran in the Race for the Cure in Peoria. Kalin (beloved sister #3) had been judging a horse show and Mom and Dad and Rhys (beloved nephew) and Jake and Cleya (beloved brother-in-law and niece) came in from Eureka and Mackinaw country to celebrate the day at Cracker Barrel. It was very nice. I'm not a big fan of Cracker Barrel, but it was good to see the family. I was so proud of Roo and Lilly. I felt cool by association. And I felt like I hadn't seen Kali in years, even though it was just last week. So, it was lovely.

Then we headed over to Eureka to see Gramps and Grammy and deliver Grammy's Mother's Day book and let Annalivia show off her new walking skills. I am so amazed at my grandparents' ability to get down on the floor in their mid-80's and play with their great-grandchildren. And they were so enthusiastic and encouraging for Annalivia. She pretty much ate up the attention and was asleep before we'd driven the half-mile out of the city limits.

And yesterday, we had a great Mother's Day at church. The men cooked breakfast for us and went all out -- pancakes, French toast, omelettes...etc., etc., etc. It was delicious and I know that the women are already worried that they're not going to be able to make anything even halfway comparable for Father's Day. I told them we should compensate by giving them lots of presents.

Then Alice (Dennis' mom) came over for lunch which was nice. And then the best part of Mother's Day -- Dennis, Annalivia and I all took a 3 hour nap! Oh, bliss.

So, that was the rundown of the last five days. There was so much to comment on and some things I've written needed this background first, so... here it is.

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